ICBET 2025          Full Paper Submission Deadline: 05 April, 2025     Conference Dates: 27th - 30th June 2025      Conference Place: Jeju Island, South Korea


Jeju Island, South Korea






Best Presentations

2024 14th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology
(ICBET 2024), June
14-17, 2024, Seoul, South Korea

Best Oral Presentation

Feature Pyramid Network and Gated Recurrent Unit-based Obstructive Events Detection from Nighttime Audio
Xia Hu, HuiPing Luo, Ligang Zhou, Rui Fang, Zheng Zeng, Jingchun Luo, Chen Chen, and Wei Chen
Fudan University, China

Elucidating White Matter Changes of Association Fibres and Cerebellum in Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study
Mohd Khairul Izamil Zolkefley, Norhidayah Abdull, Rajeev Shamsuddin Perisamy, Muzaimi Mustapha, Daud Adam, and Muhamad Ariff Muhamad Noordin
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Malaysia

Postbiotic Metabolites of Natural Products: A Novel Key to Understanding Bioactivity of Biogenic Medicines
Jakub P. Piwowarski, Maciej Korczak, Weronika Skowronska, Marcin Równicki, Inna Vlasova, Yuliia Kostenko, Natalia Melnyk, Dominik Popowski, and Sebastian Granica
Medical University of Warsaw, Poland

Development of a Wearable Biosensor to Monitor Placental Oxygenation
Thien Nguyen, Soongho Park, and Amir Gandjbakhche
National Institutes of Health, USA

Development of an Artificial Intelligence - Assisted Spectral Analysis Method for Evaluation of Early Osteoarthritis
Ruei-Fong Chen, Ying-Chun Chen, and Chao-Ching Ho
Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan

A Compact T-arc-shaped Implantable Antenna for Biomedical Devices
Pongphan Leelatien
Thammasat University, Thailand

A Finite Element Study of the Universality and Scalability of an Optimized Universal Talus Implant
Ahmed Hassan Hafez, Kinda Khalaf, Herbert Franz Jelinek, Tao Liu, Nadr Jomha, Andreas Schiffer, and Marwan El-Rich
Khalifa University, UAE

2023 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology
(ICBET 2023), June
15-18, 2023, Tokyo, Japan

Best Oral Presentation

ROS Reducing And Skin-Whitening Potentials of Corn Silk Peptide FMFFVYK
Seng Yi Leong, Kai Song Ng, Tsun-Thai Chai, and Sheri-Ann Tan
Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology, Malaysia


Pseudotime-based Deep Learning of Gene Regulatory Relationships from Single-Cell Expression Data
Koki Nishi, Junko Yoshida, Shigeto Seno, Kyoji Horie, and Hideo Matsuda
Osaka University, Japan

Ultrasound median nerve Image Instance Segmentation via Nesting Attention and Boundary-guided segmentation Mechanism
Tiantian Zhang, Hua Shu, Zhi-Ri Tang, Kam-Yiu Lam, Chi-Yin Chow, Xiao-Jun Chen, Ao Li, and Yuan-Yi Zheng
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency Detection using MyRIO Microcontroller and Color Sensor System
Noel b. Linsangan, Dayne n. Fradejas, Vince Harley d. Gaba, Lester n. Manuel, and Jocelyn Flores Villaverde
Mapua University, Philippines

Intelligent Preoperative Planning, Surgical Navigation and Robotic System for Complex Pelvic Fractures based on Deep Learning
Haitao Li, Zhelong Wang, Da Huang, Bolun Zeng, Jiaxuan Liu, Huixiang Wang, and Xiaojun Chen
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Assisting Stroke Gait with Cable Driven Lower Limb Rehabilitation Exoskeleton (C-LREX): Simulation Study
Rajan Prasad, Kinda Khalaf, Mohammad I. Awad, and Marwan El-Rich
Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates

Best Poster Presentation

Systematic Selection of Recording Electrode Placements for Responsive Neurostimulation by Using 3-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network
Moemi Yamaji, Shinjiro Yamamasu, and Yuki Hayashida
Mie University, Japan

2022 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology
(ICBET 2022), April
20-23, 2023, Tokyo, Japan

Best Oral Presentation

Detection of Facial Cues in Digital Images using Computer Vision
Analyn N. Yumang, Ericson D. Dimaunahan, Dayne N. Fradejas, and Vince Harley D. Gaba
Mapua University, Philippines


Hydrogel Adhesive Formed via Multiple Chemical Interactions for Persistent Wet Adhesion
Min Liang and Tianzhu Zhang
Southeast University, China

Identification of Patients at Risk of Cardiac Conduction Diseases Requiring A Permanent Pacemaker Following TAVI Procedure: A Deep Learning Approach on ECG Signals
Marco Mamprin, Jo M. Zelis, Pim A. L. Tonino, Sveta Zinger and Peter H. N. De Eindhoven
University of Technology, the Netherlands

A Generalized Framework for the Assessment of Various Configurations of Cable Driven Mobile Lower Limb Rehabilitation Exoskeletons
Rajan Prasad, Kinda Khalaf, Mohammed Ismail Awad, Irfan Hussian, Herbert Franz Jelinek, Umer Huzaifa, and Marwan El Rich
Khalifa University, UAE

Non invasive Intracranial Pressure Dynamics During Cardiac Bypass Surgery: Prospective Study
Solventa Krakauskaite, Birute Kumpaitiene, Milda Svagzdiene, Edmundas Sirvinskas, Vytautas Petkus, Edvinas Chaleckas, Greta Kapsutyte, Mindaugas Gailiusis, Rimantas Benetis, and Arminas Ragauskas Kaunas
University of technology, Lithuania

2021 11th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology
(ICBET 2021), March
17-20, 2021, Tokyo, Japan

Best Oral Presentation

Role-playing and its Association with Problem-based Learning in Microbiology Education
Josefina Castillo Reyna, Carmen Daniela González Barriga and Ana Emilia Nava Ochoa
Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico

MRI-guided Focused Ultrasound Robotic System for Preclinical Use
Marinos Giannakou, Nikolas Evripidou, Kyriakos Spanoudes, Leonidas Ioannou, Anastasia Antoniou and Christakis Damianou
Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

MEDIIK: Design and Manufacturing of an Emergency Ventilator Against COVID-19 Pandemic
Javier Vazquez-Armendariz, Victor Segura-Ibarra, Luis H. Olivas-Alanis, Jan Lammel-Lindemann, J. Israel Martinez-Lopez, Erick Ramirez-Cedillo, Hiram Uribe-Hernandez, Ricardo Liñan-Garcia, Rogelio Letechipia-Duran, Marcos D. Moya-Bencomo, Agustin Carvajal-Rivera, Azael Cortes-Capetillo, Nicolas J. Hendrichs-Troeglen, Miguel Mendoza-Machain, Arturo Vazquez-Almazan, Cesar Caamal-Torres, Julio Noriega-Velasco, Joaquin Acevedo-Mascarua, Adriana Vargas-Martinez, Eduardo Gonzalez-Mendivil, Eduardo Flores-Villalba and Ciro A. Rodriguez
Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico

Phosphorylated Physarum Polycephalum 14-3-3 Modulates the Distribution of the P. Polycephalum SR-like Protein through the Arginine/Serine-Rich Domain- P14-3-3 Modulates the Distribution of PSR
Yi Yang, Jianhua Zhang, Li Zhang, Shengli Tian, Miao Xing, Shide Liu and Kang Kang
Shenzhen University Health Sciences Center, China

Deep Transfer Learning Based Detection of COVID-19 from Chest X-ray Images
Md Al Mehedi Hasan, Jungpil Shin and Farjana Parvin
The University of Aizu, Japan

2020 10th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology
(ICBET 2020), September
15-18, 2020, Tokyo, Japan

Best Oral Presentation

Evaluation of Biological Activities and Stability of Thai Organic Riceberry Broken Rice Extracts for the Anti-Aging Cosmetology
Worrapan Poomanee, Pimjai Doungsaard, Nara Nantharat and Pimporn Leelapornpisid
Chiang Mai University, Thailand

In Vitro Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Activity of Indigenous Vegetables from Southern Thailand
Suriyan Sukati and Warachate Khobjai
Walailak University, Thailand

Study of the Photodynamic Effect on the A549 Cell Line by using Carbon-doped TiO2 Nanoparticles
Tzu-Chieh Lin, Chun-Chen Yang and Feng-Huei Lin
National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Fisetin Induces S Phase Arrest Via Activation of the ATM-Chk1/2-p53 Pathway in Pancreatic Cancer
Liangjing Zhou
Zhejiang University, China

Evaluation of Feature Selection Methods using Bagging and Boosting Ensemble Techniques on High Throughput Biological Data
Jiamin Wu, Shengjia Chen, Wenbin Zhou, Ningya Wang and Ziling Fan
Northeastern University, China

Antibacterial and Antivirulence Properties of Phenolic-Rich Drip Brewed Coffees
Sheri-Ann Tan, Tan Hui San, Yap Xing Yee, Vanessa Lee Rosarior, Tarun Agarwal and Yue Chen Son
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, Malaysia

Scientific Health Device for Real-time Monitoring of Percentage Body Fats, Body Mass Index, Ideal Body Weight and Stored Energy with Suggested Meals for Proper Calorie Intake
Jessie Jaye R. Balbin, Meo Vincent C. Caya, Flordeliza L. Valiente, Darren Lee Decena, Virgielyn Maguad, Erica Yvonne Rosas and Neil Patrick Sana
Mapua University, Philippines

Engineered Microvesicles (EMVs) as Delivery Platform of CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing System in HCC Treatment
Cong He
Southeast University, China

Production of Plasma Based Surgical Device for Discectomy Operations and Testing in Novel in-vitro Model
Deniz Reçber, Dilek Çökeliler Serdaroğlu, İsmail Cengiz Koçum, Erkin Sönmez, Nur Altınörs and Berna Dengiz
Başkent University, Turkey

Four Point Impedance Measurements of Blood and its Constituents in Saline and Localisation of Blood during Cochlear Implantation
Tayla Razmovski, Aaron Collins, Christofer Bester and Stephen J. O’leary
University of Melbourne, Australia

Gradient Boosting on Decision Trees for Mortality Prediction in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
Marco Mamprin, S. Zinger, P.H.N. de With, J.M. Zelis and P.A.L. Tonino
Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands

Detection of Entamoeba Histolytica using Canny Edge Detection and Watershed Transform
Frenz Marjond Q. Bermudez, Mar John R. Palacio and Jocelyn Flores Villaverde
Mapua University, Philippines

2019 9th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology
(ICBET 2019), March
25-28, 2019, Tokyo, Japan

Best Oral Presentation
Identification of EEG-based Music Emotion Using Hybrid COA Features and t-SNE
Hong He, Wenxiu Zhao and Ken’ichi Fujimoto
Shanghai Normal University, China

CYP2D6 Phenotypes Among Javanese and Sundanese Subjects in Indonesia
Pri Iswati Utami, Sugiyanto, Sudibyo Martono and Lukman Hakim
Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia

Application of LIB Cavitation Bubbles for Cell Lysis in vitro
Darina Jasikova, Miroslava Rysova and Michal Kotek
Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic

Determination of Schizophrenia using Electronic Nose via Support Vector Machine
Rainier V. Leal, Alyssa Xyra C. Quiming, Jocelyn Flore Villaverde, Noel B. Linsangan, Analyn N. Yumang and Meo Vincent C. Caya
Mapua University, Philippines

The Effect of an Ethanol Extract of Homalanthus Populneus (Giesel.) Pax Extract in Expression of T Cell Receptor: Inhibition Study of HIV Infection
Erly Sintya and Nastiti Wijayanti
Warmadewa University, Indonesia

Cancer-Specific Metastasis Control Strategy Based on the Molecular Dynamics of Lung Cancer Cell
Jiyeon Park, Suyeong Kim, Ye-Eun Shin, Namhee Kim and Kwang-Hyun Cho
Korea Science Academy of KAIST, Republic of Korea

Solanum Betaceum Improves Cognitive Function by Decreasing N-Methyl-D-Aspartate on Alzheimer Rats Model
Indri Safitri, Hanik Badriyah Hidayati, Agus Turchan, Suhartati and Siti Khaerunnisa
Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

MiMIC – Engineered Bone Tissue Microfluidic Platforms for Observing Migration and Metastasis in a Chip
Chong Seow Khoon Mark, Jerry Chan, Lee Lui Shiong and Roger Kamm
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Rapid Microscopic Analysis Using Natural Neighbor Interpolation
Gabriel Avelino R. Sampedro, Maricor N. Soriano, Analyn N. Yumang and Ericson D. Dimaunahan
Mapua University, Philippines

Label-Free Detection of Exosomes Using Microfluidic Deterministic Lateral Displacement
Thoriq Salafi and Yong Zhang
National University of Singapore, Singapore

The Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Essential Oil of Clove (Syzigium Aromaticum) in Absorption Base Ointment with Addition of Oleic Acid and Propylene Glycol as Enhancer
Nining Sugihartini, Rani Prabandari, Tedjo Yuwono and Desty Restia Rahmawati
Ahmad Dahlan University, Indonesia

Electrochemical DNA Sensor Based on Graphene/Zirconia Nanocomposite for Label-Free Detection of Exon-19 Mutations in Lung Cancer: A Preliminary Study
Lih Poh Lin, Michelle Tien Tien Tan And Hwei San Loh
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, Malaysia

Identification of Various Osteichthyes Class of Fishes through Gaussian Mixture Model, Kalman Filter, Pyramid Histogram of Visual Words and Support Vector Machine
Ramon G. Garcia, Flordeliza L. Valiente, Charmaine C. Paglinawan, Jonen Lery L. Ibañez, Jeffrey T. Macadangdang, John Edward G. Macario and Paola Jamie V. Uy
Mapua University, Philippines

The Degree of Secretory Immunoglobulin a in Burn Patients with Probiotic Therapy
Lynda Hariani, Irawan Wahyudi, Iswinarno Dososaputro and M.Sjaifuddin Noer
Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

Best Poster Presentation

Determination of Lupeol from Makhaen at Thailadn and Taiwan by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Surachai Techaoei, Khemjira Jarmkom, Nakuntwalai Wisidsri, Suradwadee Thungmungmee and Warachate Khobjai
Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Thailand

Application of Reflectance Mode Photoplethysmography for Non-invasive Monitoring of Blood Glucose Level with Moving Average Filter
Febus Reidj G. Cruz, Charmaine C. Paglinawan, Celina Nadine V. Catindig, John Charles B. Lamchek, Danielle Diane C. Almirañez and Anne Flereece Sanchez
Mapua University, Philippines

2018 8th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology
(ICBET 2018), Bali, Indonesia, April
23-25, 2018

Preparation and Characterization of Photocatalytic Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) Microcapsules
Nusaiba k. Al-nemrawi, Rami J Oweis, Mohamed G Al-Fandi, and Carlos J. Tavares
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan

Search for Glioma Direct Binding Site of Alkaloids Using PLANTS®

Yusnita Rifai
Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

Synthesis and Characterization of P-Nitro Stilbene Schiff Base as a Potential Linker in E-DNA
Norhafiefa Hassan, Hanis Mohd Yusoff, and Soraya Shafawati Mohd Tahier
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Malaysia

In Silico Study of miRNA-Regulated IQGAP Family in Liver Cancer
David Agustriawan, Anton Sumarpo, Arli A. Parikesit, Rizky Nurdiansyah, Gabriella Patricia, and Ricky R. F. A. Putra
Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences, Indonesia

Building Research Capacity: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Indonesian Pharmacists
Yosi Wibowo, Eko Setiawan, Adji Prayitno Setiadi, and Rheza Paleva Uyanto
Universitas Surabaya, Indonesia

Establishment of HTS Platform and MyNATURE50000 Natural Product Repository for Infectious Disease Drug Discovery
Iffah Izzati Zakaria, Nurul Hanim Salin, Azimah Amanah, Muhammad Hidhir Khawory, and Habibah Wahab
Malaysian Institute of Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical, Malaysia

Registration of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Image and Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Data
Fairuz Mohd Nasir, Asuka Kikuchi, Shoichi Watanuki, Masayasu Miyake, Manabu Tashiro, and Hiroshi Watabe
Tohoku University, Japan

2017 7th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology
(ICBET 2017), Hong Kong, April
21-23, 2017

Effect of Propagation Signal and Path on Verification Performance Using Intra-Body Propagation Signals
Isao Nakanishi, Itaru Ogushi, Ryutaro Nishi, and Takahiro Murakami
Tottori University, Japan

Indole-Based Anticancer Agents
Woo Chiat Tei, Tengku Sifzizul Tengku Muhammad, and Kok Wai Lam
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia

2016 6th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology
(ICBET 2016), Singapore, March 12-13, 201

Design and Development of Robotic Rehabilitation Device for Post Stroke Therapy
Si Thu Phyo, Sampath Kumar Karutaa Gnaniar, and Lee Kim Kheng
Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore

Dynamic Flow in the Large Airways during a Rapid Inhalation
Hadrien Calmet, Alberto Gambaruto, Guillaume Houzeaux, Alister Bates, and Denis Doorly
Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain

Impact of Industrial Estates on Water Resources
Richa Maheshwari and Neeru Bansal
Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology, India

Biodegradable Pellets Based on Poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) / Poly (vinyl alcohol) / Sugarcane Bagasse: Thermal and Biodegradable Properties
Jinchyau Peng, Chia-Yang Wu, Li-Jhen Jheng, and Wai-Bun Lui
National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan

2015 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology
(ICBET 2015), Seoul, South Korea, March 10-11, 2015

Environmental Management Accounting Model on the Basis of Environmental Management System in Leather Industry
Marzie Hatef Jalil, Mahsa Narimani Abar, and Fatemeh Dadashian
Applied Science and Technology University of Tehran

Discovery of new lead compounds as inhibitors of allene oxide synthase based on ozagrel scaffold
Keimei Oh, Yuina Todate and Yuko Yoshizawa
Akita Prefectural University

The Used of Nd: YAG Laser for Ablation of Dental Material
Noorsyazwani Zulkifli, Fatanah M. Suhaimi, M. Khairul Azhar A.Razab, M. Suhaimi Jaafar, and Norehan Mokhtar
Universiti Sains Malaysia

2014 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology
 (ICBET 2014), Penang, Malaysia, March 12-14, 2014

Monitoring Mango Fruit Ripening after Harvest using Electronic Nose (zNoseTM) Technique
Farhad Gholizadeh Nouri, Zhiyuan Chen and Mehdi Maqbool

Numerical Analysis of Water Vortex Formation for the Water Vortex Power Plant
Tze Cheng Kueh, Shiao Lin Beh, Dirk Rilling, Yongson Ooi

Application of Solar Energy and Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cell in a Co-generation System
R. K. Akikur, K. R. Ullah, H.W. Ping, R. Saidur

Gait Analysis Using Virtual Body Sensor Networks for Biomedical Applications
V. Parthasarathy, P. Sharmila, G. Murugaboopathi, S. Hemalatha, and A. Prabhu

Self-Assembly of 3D Keratinospheroids on the Liquid Crystal Substrate
Chin Fhong Soon, Kok Tung Thong, and Kian Sek Tee

2013 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology
(ICBET 2013), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 19-20, 2013

Mathematical Model for Detection of Leakage in Domestic Water Supply Systems by Reading Consumption from an Analogue Water Meter
Gal Oren and Nerya Y. Stroh

Application of Antimicrobial Nanocomposites in Ready to Eat Meat Products
Zehra Ayhan, Donatella Duraccio, Birgül Özcan, Okan Eştürk, Serra Nalçabasmaz, Clara Silvestre, Sossio Cimmino, Gülsüm Erol, Murat Altan and Bengisu Toplu

Measurement of Microscopic Young’s Modulus of Crispy Foods
Ren Kadowaki, Norio Inou and Hitoshi Kimura

Femoral Mechanical Response in Golfers with Total Hip or Hip Resurfacing Implants
Cameron Coates, Javier Sanchez

Carotid Artery Modeling Using the Navier-Stokes Equations for an Incompressible, Newtonian and Axisymmetric Flow
Jhalique Jane R. Fojas, Rizalinda L. De Leon

2012 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology
(ICBET 2012), Hong Kong, June 2-3, 2012

Design and Development of a Closed Two Loop Thermal Management
Configuration for PEM Fuel Cell
B Viswanath Sasank, N.Rajalakshmi, K.S.Dhathathreyan

Monte Carlo Analysis of a Subcutaneous Absorption Insulin Glargine
Model: Variability in Plasma Insulin Concentrations
Normy N. Razak, Jessica Lin, Jason Wong, Geoffrey J. Chase

Zeta Potential - Applications

2011 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology
(ICBET 2011), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 17-19, 2011

Best Paper:
Paper ID:
Paper Title: Next Generation Identity Verification Based on Face-Gait Biometrics
Authors: S.M.E. Hossain, G. Chetty

Excellent Papers:
Paper ID: T020
Paper Title:  Heart Activity Monitoring on Smartphone
Anh Dinh

Paper ID: T30009
Paper Title:  Study of Indentation Response of Functional Graded Al2TiO5- Based Bioceramic 
Zeya Oo, Alexander Gorin and It-Meng Lo


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